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SAG-Eligible | aea

Bailey Castle is an actor, writer, and director based in Los Angeles.


Los Angeles | Bailey makes her LA stage debut in the world premiere of Power & Light. Stage Raw says, “Bailey Castle plays Anne Morgan […] with energy and ambition. It is a shame Anne is relegated to the second act, as the events of the story are often most compelling when viewed through her unique perspective.”

Los Angeles | Bailey’s directorial debut Back Home was featured in HollyShorts’ Monthly Screening Series (April 2024). Click here to read the review.

Los Angeles | Bailey’s film Back Home received a 4-star review from Short Films Matter: “Director Bailey Castle navigates the emotional landscape of the narrative, allowing the tension to build organically[….]” Click here to read the full review.

Orange County | Bailey was the assistant director of the world premiere of Prelude to a Kiss: The Musical at South Coast Repertory (2024). This is a co-production with Milwaukee Rep, and she will travel with the production to the Midwest this summer!

Chicago | Bailey was nominated by the Joseph Jefferson Committee for Best Actor in a Play (2020). Click here to see the full list of nominees.